I have this PowerShell script which I use to parse through different aspects of an XML-file. Therefore, I Would like to retrieve the value of a specific XML-node and save it into a variable. This node I would like to select, exists multiple times in the XML-file, so I need to be able to mention the specific number of the node I want to retrieve.
Powershell scripts I've tried:
[xml] $response = get-content "FilePath\Resp.xml"
[string] $Var = $response.SelectSingleNode('lvl1/lvl2/lvl3/lvl4[2]').InnerText
[xml] $response = get-content "FilePath\Resp.xml"
$Var = $response.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3.lvl4[2].'#text'
BACON essentially provided the crucial pointers in comments on the question:
Using PowerShell's dot notation directly returns the text content of leaf elements (elements with only a text child node), so there's no need for '.#text'
# Note: `.lvl4` is an *array* provided by PowerShell, so the index is
# 0-based. Therefore, [2] retrieves the *3rd* element.
$response.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3.lvl4[2] # -> 'test3'
Note that PowerShell exposes the multiple lvl4
elements as an array, so indexing into that array is 0
Your XPath-based command should work as-is, but note that indices in XPath are 1
-based, so [2]
would refer to the 2nd element:
$response.SelectSingleNode('lvl1/lvl2/lvl3/lvl4[2]').InnerText # -> 'test2'
# Equivalent commands: