I am trying to filter the results of a GROUP BY CUBE
using the HAVING
clause. However I need to keep rows that do not meet a combination of conditions.
I intuitively tried:
SELECT [...]
FROM [...]
NOT HAVING (flag_1 = 1 AND flag_2 = 1 AND flag_3 = 1)
Sadly Oracle doesn't recognize NOT HAVING
as valid syntax.
From a mathematical standpoint, inversing each individual condition does not yield the same result :
HAVING (flag_1 != 1 AND flag_2 != 1 AND flag_3 != 1)
How can I achieve the logical equivalent of NOT HAVING
Note: I found an existing question that was somewhat related, but it was specific to Microsoft Access and the goal was not the same, hence this new question.
The mathematical inverse of your HAVING clause requires that you change the AND's to OR's and, if columns are nullable, null-check as well.
EG (if nulls are possible):
HAVING (nvl(flag_1,1) != 1 OR NVL(flag_2,1) != 1 OR NVL(flag_3,1) != 1)