I am trying to use the azure ML designer (preview).
referencing this - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-in/azure/machine-learning/tutorial-designer-automobile-price-train-score
using my own input sheet which has four columns and some decimal values. nothing fancy and identical to the sample datasets provided.
I do this step (from the linked document above)
Select the Train Model module. In the module details pane to the right of the canvas, select Edit column selector. In the Label column dialog box, expand the drop-down menu and select Column names. In the text box, enter price to specify the value that your model is going to predict.
and I get this (but there are no errors in the actual designer window.
"Failed to parse column picker rules"
Okay, I found an answer myself. Hope that is okay.
In my input sheet, the title was something like this "Interest Rate %". Looks like azure was trying to say that it does not like special characters it the column names.
I edited my original csv file in excel, and removed the % in all the titles.
Then, created a new data store. problem solved.