I have a DropDownList that I fill on Page_Load. When I try to get the selected value string id = myDropDownList.SelectedValue.ToString();
Every time I only got the 1st Value, but when I change the value of the DropDownList and check for the string id It always shows my the 1st value.
This is my Page_Load
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (commesseDataSource.Count != 0)
if (Session["Matricola"] != null)
matricolaDip = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Matricola"]);
if (Session["LivLogin"] != null)
livlogin = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Matricola"]);
this Is how I bind the DropDown
private void initComboCommesse()
myDropDownList.DataTextField = "Value";
myDropDownList.DataValueField = "Key";
myDropDownList.DataSource = commesseDataSource;
I've already tried to
protected void myDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string id = myDropDownList.SelectedValue.ToString(); // I always get the 1st value of the Drop Down
And also
protected void myDropDownList_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string id = myDropDownList.SelectedValue.ToString(); // I always get the 1st value of the Drop Down
But none of these had worked, I would like to know how to get the selected value of the DropDownList, every time I selected a new value In the DropDownList
Try This:
When You Insert In your DropDownList Value In Database then you need to change:
string id = myDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();