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Scheme/"The Seasoned Schemer": Question about the syntax of the definition of "try" function

In their book "The Seasoned Schemer", Felleisen and Friedman introduce the try function. According to, this function can be defined as

(define-syntax try
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((try var a . b)
     (letcc success 
       (letcc var (success a)) . b))))

where letcc is defined as

(define-syntax letcc 
  (syntax-rules () 
    ((letcc var body ...) 
       (lambda (var)  body ... ))))) 

Now, while I understand what try does and how it can be used, I am having trouble to follow the formal definition of it. What exactly is the meaning of the dot in the application of letcc to success and (letcc var (success a)) . b in the lines

(letcc success 
       (letcc var (success a)) . b)

of try? Or maybe asked differently: Which part of the definition of try establishes that try is evaluated to b if var is called in a?

Edit 1: Sorry, the definition of letcc was incomplete. Added the missing first line.

Edit 2: The following code can be run in Racket.

(define-syntax letcc
   (syntax-rules ()
                 ((letcc var body ...)
                    (lambda (var)  body ... )))))

 (define-syntax try
   (syntax-rules ()
                 ((try var a . b)
                  (letcc success
                         (letcc var (success a)) . b))))

(try var (+ 1 1) 4)
; output: 2

(try var (var '(2)) 4)
; output: 4


  • Syntax rules is pattern matching. A dot indicates the car and cdr of a pair just like rest arguments in lambda / define:

    (define (my-list . args)

    A list is just nested pairs. eg. (1 2 3) is just fancy way of displaying (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))).

    So (this is random symbols in a list) will match (try var a . b) by try matching this, is matches var, random matches a, and (symbols in a list) matches b.

    When you see the same in the expansion it means the code should splice the match after the dot. Eg (var . b) with the previous example becomes (is symbols in a list). It is similar to having b ... but cheaper for the system.