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Java batch: jobContext transientUserData not passed through steps

I'm using JBeret implementation of jsr-352 specs.

This is my job configuration, in short:

<job id="expired-customer-cancellation" xmlns=""
     version="1.0" jsl-name="job-parent" parent="job-parent">
    <step id="step1" next="step2">
        <chunk item-count="#{jobParameters['chunksize']}?:3">
            <reader ref="eccReader">
            <writer ref="eccWriter" />
            <mapper ref="eccMapper">
                    <property name="threads" value="#{jobParameters['threads']}?:3"/>
                    <property name="records" value="#{jobParameters['records']}?:30"/>
    <step id="step2">
        <batchlet ref="eccMailBatchlet" />

The Itemwriter class does something like this:

public class EccWriter extends AbstractItemWriter {

    Logger logger;

    JobContext jobContext;

    public void writeItems(List<Object> list) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<String> processed = Optional.ofNullable(jobContext.getTransientUserData()).map(ArrayList.class::cast).orElse(new ArrayList<String>()); -> {

            if (someConditions) {



        jobContext.setTransientUserData(processed); // update job transient data with processed list

Now I'd expect to achieve the updated list when calling jobContext.getTransientUserData() on step2, instead all I get is a null value.

Furthermore, each partition has its own jobContext.transientUserData, so it will start always with null value at partition begin.

I think that jobContext could itself mislead to common errors due to its name.

What is the natural way to bring some data through entire job ?


  • This is a gap in the current API, and the "thread local" behavior can be surprising, I agree.

    One technique you can use is to use the step persistent user data instead.

    E.g. from step 1:


    Then from step 2:

    JobContext ctx;
    List<StepExecution> stepExecs = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator().getStepExecutions(ctx.getInstanceId());
    // ... not shown here, but sort through stepExecs and find the one from step1.
    StepExecution step2Exec = ... ;  
    Serializable userData = step2Exec.getPersistentUserData()

    This has been noted before as an area for improvement, and should be considered for future enhancements for Jakarta Batch (the new home of the specification).