a customer ordered us a tablet application, but they need a lot of access restriction to lock device functions such as:
Public API of iOS makes impossible to fulfill those requirements. I was wondering if Android makes life easier when there are those kind of restriction.
UPDATE: To make understand better the field of use. I'm talking about an application that "force" the device to be used just only with that application for an Enterprise use. The app is just like a CRM but the device should be blocked in some functions to make users only work with them and NOT playing or use facebook, market etc.
Not sure you can achiev all of those, but you should look into the device policy for android here and here.
1) Not sure what you mean by point 1. If you mean controlling all data transfer from the device, you might be a in a bind considering the only way to get a firewall running on android is by rooting the device. Perhaps you could look into writing a custom launcher/home like KidZone that only shows approved apps? - Not nearly as secure, though.
2) Honeycomb, so far, doesn't have multi-user support - though you can have multiple google accounts registered. The custom launcher could help in this regard though.
3) I don't see the point of doing this unless they already have a custom mail infrastructure in place. Otherwise just go with exchange.