i am new to angular, trying to make parameters of my object Model, whenever i stringify my object it makes a large string that API does not accept. What should i do..?
here is the object that i want to convert to parameters.
"qaevaluationid": 1,
"agentid": 1,
"callerid": "1234",
"calledon": "02/13/2020 10:38:14 AM",
"duration": "304",
"overallfeedback": "adasdasd",
"isfatal": false,
"fatalcallreasonid": "3",
"evaluationtypeid": "1",
"callratings": [{
"callratingid": 1,
"createdby": 1,
"createdbyname": "john",
"createdon": null,
"evaluationfactorid": 8,
"is_deleted": "F",
"modifiedby": -1,
"modifiedbyname": "",
"modifiedon": null,
"qaevaluationid": 1,
"rating": "7"
}, {
"callratingid": 2,
"createdby": 1,
"createdbyname": "john",
"createdon": null,
"evaluationfactorid": 9,
"is_deleted": "F",
"modifiedby": -1,
"modifiedbyname": "",
"modifiedon": null,
"qaevaluationid": 1,
"rating": "6"
}, {
"callratingid": 3,
"createdby": 1,
"createdbyname": "john",
"createdon": null,
"evaluationfactorid": 10,
"is_deleted": "F",
"modifiedby": -1,
"modifiedbyname": "",
"modifiedon": null,
"qaevaluationid": 1,
"rating": "8"
"createdby": 1,
"createdbyname": "John",
"createdon": null,
"modifiedby": -1,
"modifiedbyname": null,
"modifiedon": null,
"is_deleted": "F"
and in TypeScript i am doing like this
this.httpOptions.params = new HttpParams();
this.httpOptions.params = this.httpOptions.params.set('qaEval', JSON.stringify(qaevaluation));
return this._httpClient.post<APIResponse<QAEvaluation>>(this.myAppUrl + 'QAEvaluation/insert', { qaEval: qaevaluation }, this.httpOptions)
.pipe(retry(1), catchError(this.errorHandler));
getting this error
"Http failure response for https://localhost:44304/QAEvaluation/insert?qaEval=%7B%22qaevaluationid%22:-1,%22agentid%22:1,%22callerid%22:%221234%22,%22calledon%22:%2202/13/2020%2010:38:14%20AM%22,%22duration%22:%22304%22,%22overallfeedback%22:%22adasdasd%22,%22isfatal%22:false ……. This goes on and on : 404 OK"
You are on the correct path, but you are adding all the json object as query parameters, on the URL of your request. In POST requests, you want to put your data in the HTTP Body.
I think if you omit the second line you are good to go. Take also a look at the HttpClient documentation for examples and the correct syntax.