I am on MSVC 2019 with the default compiler. The code I am working on is a Mandelbrot image. Relevant bits of my code looks like:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
unsigned int retVal = mandel(x_val + x_incr * x, y_val + y_incr * y);
mtest.setPixels(x, y,
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 6),
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 5),
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 4));
All of the variables outside of the loop are constexpr, eliminating any dependencies. The mandel function does about 1000 iterations with each call. I would expect the outer loop to run on several threads but my msvc records each run at about 5-6 seconds with or without the omp directive.
Edit (The mandel function):
unsigned int mandel(long double x, long double y)
long double z_x = 0;
long double z_y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ITER; i++)
long double temp = z_x;
z_x = (z_x * z_x) - (z_y * z_y) + x;
z_y = 2 * temp * z_y + y;
if ((z_x * z_x + z_y * z_y) > 4)
return i;
return ITER; //ITER is a #define macro
Your mandel function has a vastly differing runtime cost depending on whether the if condition within the loop has been met. As a result, each iteration of your loop will run in a different time. By default omp uses static scheduling (i.e. break loop into N partitions). This is kinda bad, because you don't have a workload that fits static scheduling. See what happens when you use dynamic scheduling.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
unsigned int retVal = mandel(x_val + x_incr * x, y_val + y_incr * y);
mtest.setPixels(x, y,
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 6),
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 5),
static_cast<unsigned char>(retVal / 4));
Also time to rule out the really dumb stuff.....
IIRC, if you haven't done those two things, omp will be disabled under MSVC.