I would like to write a function that accepts a specific structure of a map and returns (prints out) any portion of the map I want. Is this possible?
I haven't been successful so far. The following below are the functions I wrote to print portion a, b and c of the map but i seem to be missing some logic in this whole thing.
The test map is {:nums {:test number?}}. My true goal is to return the test value i.e number? or whichever value the user wishes to test e.g symbol? or vector?. This is why I have chosen to use this method.
I wish to understand the logic that's why I have chosen to return all the parts of the map i.e a, b, c.
(defn des [mapp]
(let [[a [b c]] [mapp]]
(println (str a)))
=> #'user/des
(des {:nums {:test number?}})
{:nums {:test #object[clojure.core$number_QMARK_ 0x1089d00e "clojure.core$number_QMARK_@1089d00e"]}}
=> nil
(defn des [mapp]
(let [[a [b c]] [mapp]]
(println (str b)))
=> #'user/des
(des {:nums {:test number?}})
=> nil
(defn des [mapp]
(let [[a [b c]] [mapp]]
(println (str c)))
=> #'user/des
(des {:nums {:test number?}})
=> nil
(defn des [mapp]
(let [m mapp
{x :nums y :vects z :syms} m
{a :test} x
{b :test} y
{c :test} z
(println x)
(println y)
(println z)
(println a)
(println b)
(println c)
=> #'user/des
(des {:nums {:test number?}})
{:test #object[clojure.core$number_QMARK_ 0x48c86e76 clojure.core$number_QMARK_@48c86e76]}
#object[clojure.core$number_QMARK_ 0x48c86e76 clojure.core$number_QMARK_@48c86e76]
=> nil
(des {:nums {:test number?}, :vects {:test vector?} :syms {:test symbol?}})
{:test #object[clojure.core$number_QMARK_ 0x48c86e76 clojure.core$number_QMARK_@48c86e76]}
{:test #object[clojure.core$vector_QMARK___5399 0x17d504aa clojure.core$vector_QMARK___5399@17d504aa]}
{:test #object[clojure.core$symbol_QMARK_ 0x4593ff34 clojure.core$symbol_QMARK_@4593ff34]}
#object[clojure.core$number_QMARK_ 0x48c86e76 clojure.core$number_QMARK_@48c86e76]
#object[clojure.core$vector_QMARK___5399 0x17d504aa clojure.core$vector_QMARK___5399@17d504aa]
#object[clojure.core$symbol_QMARK_ 0x4593ff34 clojure.core$symbol_QMARK_@4593ff34]
=> nil