I'm looking for a way to convert a decimal number into a valid HH:mm:ss
I'm importing data from an SQL database.
One of the columns in my database is labelled Actual Start Time
The values in my database are stored in the following decimal format:
73758 // which translates to 07:27:58
114436 // which translates to 11:44:36
I cannot simply convert this Actual Start Time
column into a Time
format in my Power BI import as it returns errors for some values, saying it doesn't recognise 73758
as a valid 'time'. It needs to have a leading zero for cases such as 73758
To combat this, I created a new Text
column with the following code to append a leading zero:
Column = FORMAT([Actual Start Time], "000000")
This returns the following results:
-- which is perfect. Exactly what I needed.
I now want to convert these values into a Time
Simply changing the data type field to Time
doesn't do anything, returning:
Cannot convert value '073758' of type Text to type Date.
So I created another column with the following code:
Column 2 = FORMAT(TIME(LEFT([Column], 2), MID([Column], 3, 2), RIGHT([Column], 2)), "HH:mm:ss")
To pass the values 07
, 37
and 58
into a TIME
This returns the following:
| Actual Start Date | Column | Column 2 |
| 73758 | 073758 | 07:37:58 |
| 114436 | 114436 | 11:44:36 |
Which is what I wanted but is there any other way of doing this? I want to ideally do it in one step without creating additional columns.
You could use a variable as suggested by Aldert or you can replace Column by the format function:
Time Format = FORMAT(
LEFT(FORMAT([Actual Start Time],"000000"),2),
MID(FORMAT([Actual Start Time],"000000"),3,2),
RIGHT([Actual Start Time],2)),
If you want to do this in Power query, you can create a customer column with the following calculation:
if Text.Length([Actual Start Time])=5 then Text.PadStart( [Actual Start Time],6,"0")
else [Actual Start Time])
Once this column is created you can drop the old column, so that you only have one time column in the data. Hope this helps.