I have a batch script that would only copy pdf file, based on the user inputted code. As soon as they hit enter it will look for a folder that has same filename with the inputted code.. then if exist it will copy the pdf inside..
Now I'm having a problem because in one sub-folder, it's file name doesn't have standard filename.
Like for ex : sometimes its filename is UV DATA
others is UV-DATA
, UV
example folder structure storage for the pdf file :
server '----22050-022 '----Folder1 22050-022-DATA.pdf
example folder destination :
server2 '----Folder '----22050-022 '----UV DATA '----DOCUMENTS
folder is the only one is changing..
How can I set only only UV
and second word is any specific pattern?
Sample XCopy if it is a static code and make default file name is UV DATA
set /p code=Input Control Number:
xcopy "%MySetPath%\Folder\%code%\%code%-DATA.pdf" "%MySetDestination%\Folder1\%code%\UV DATA\DOCUMENTS\" /D /E /C /I /Y /H
I only tried something like this but doesn't work:
set /p code=Input Control Number:
xcopy "%MySetPath%\Folder\%code%\%code%-DATA.pdf" "%MySetDestination%\Folder1\%code%\UV*.*\DOCUMENTS\" /D /E /C /I /Y /H
@echo off
rem Change current directory to HOMEDRIVE.
cd /d "%HOMEDRIVE%" || (
>&2 echo Failed to change directory to "%HOMEDRIVE%"
exit /b 1
rem Get the control number i.e. 22050-022.
set /p "code=Input Control Number: " || exit /b 0
rem Set initial source path and destination path here.
@rem Note: destination path without trailing "\UV*\DOCUMENTS".
set "source=%HOMEPATH%\%code%\Folder1\%code%-DATA.pdf"
set "destination=%HOMEPATH%\Folder\%code%"
rem Check initial source path.
if not exist "%source%" (
>&2 echo Initial source path "%source%" not exist.
exit /b 1
rem Check initial destination path.
if not exist "%destination%" (
>&2 echo Initial destination path "%destination%" not exist.
exit /b 1
rem Get "%%destination%%\UV*\DOCUMENTS\" path.
set "destination="
for /d %%A in ("%destination%\UV*") do if not defined destination (
@rem Force an echo on line break.
if exist "%%~A\DOCUMENTS\" set "destination=%%~A\DOCUMENTS\"
if not defined destination (
>&2 echo Failed to get destination from "%destination%".
exit /b 1
rem Copy file from source to destination if file date is newer.
xcopy /d /y "%source%" "%destination%"
exit /b 0
This will try to find the destination path with
in the path as specified in the OP and
comments as to my understanding.
Change directory to %HOMEDRIVE%
else a path
starting with %HOMEPATH%
can be invalid if
the the current directory is on another drive.
If you use a drive which mirrors the %HOMEPATH%
then you can disable the change of directory to
remain on that drive.
The destination path is resolved to the
folder, else the destination
variable will be detected as undefined.
Checks are done to ensure initial source and destination paths exist.
Since only 1 file is being copied, using
arguments that apply for 1 file.
Check to see if I am correct.
To understand what the code is doing, set
the line @echo off
to @echo on
to test.