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Reactive Filtering Based on User Login - Shinyauthr

I have a QA Shiny Dashboard app that has a master dataset that must filter the rows used in subsequent tables / maps according to user login details.

For example: if the user logs in with a particular username ( then the reactive function selects rows that contain this username and passes these to the shiny app for rendering.

Example of basic premise:

username <- ""

new_dataset <- filter(dataset, column %like% username

output$table <- renderTable ({

I am using the shiny author package to create this but I am having difficulty passing the user login details created by the in-built Shinyauthr functions to a reactive function. Code below:

users <- data.frame(user= c("user1", "user2", "user3"),
                         password = c("pass1", "pass2", "pass3"),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

ui <- dashboardPage(

    title = "QA App",

    tags$li(class = "dropdown", style = "padding: 8px;", shinyauthr::logoutUI("logout"))

    collapsed = TRUE, sidebarMenuOutput("sidebar")



    # shinyauthr login ui module here

      tabItem("tab", uiOutput("tab1_ui"))

server <- function(input, output) {

credentials <- callModule(shinyauthr::login, "login", 
                          data = users,
                          user_col = user,
                          pwd_col = password,
                          sodium_hashed = FALSE,
                          log_out = reactive(logout_init()))

# logout status managed by shinyauthr module and stored here
logout_init <- callModule(shinyauthr::logout, "logout", reactive(credentials()$user_auth))

output$sidebar <- renderMenu({

    menuItem("Tab", tabName = "tab", icon = icon("arrows-alt-v"))


output$tab1_ui <- renderUI({



shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I wish to create a reactive function that will render this new_dataset and pass it to the table output within the UI. The question is how to access user login credentials as characters strings to use in filtering?


  • As often happens in these cases, a lot of wrangling finally led to an answer but I will post my solution here in case anyone runs into a similar issue.

    R2Evans was correct in that it can be called with credentials()$info. The issue was trying to use eventReactive, rather than simply reactive.

    Reactive user details are collected via:

    credentials <- callModule(shinyauthr::login, "login", 
                              data = user_base,
                              user_col = user,
                              pwd_col = password,
                              sodium_hashed = FALSE,
                              log_out = reactive(logout_init()))
    user_info <- reactive({credentials()$info})
    filteredData <- reactive({
      filter(table, column %like% as.character(user_info()$user))
    output$table <- renderTable(filteredData())