I have a QA Shiny Dashboard app that has a master dataset that must filter the rows used in subsequent tables / maps according to user login details.
For example: if the user logs in with a particular username (location@email.com) then the reactive function selects rows that contain this username and passes these to the shiny app for rendering.
Example of basic premise:
username <- "location@email.com"
new_dataset <- filter(dataset, column %like% username
output$table <- renderTable ({
I am using the shiny author package to create this but I am having difficulty passing the user login details created by the in-built Shinyauthr functions to a reactive function. Code below:
users <- data.frame(user= c("user1", "user2", "user3"),
password = c("pass1", "pass2", "pass3"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ui <- dashboardPage(
title = "QA App",
tags$li(class = "dropdown", style = "padding: 8px;", shinyauthr::logoutUI("logout"))
collapsed = TRUE, sidebarMenuOutput("sidebar")
# shinyauthr login ui module here
tabItem("tab", uiOutput("tab1_ui"))
server <- function(input, output) {
credentials <- callModule(shinyauthr::login, "login",
data = users,
user_col = user,
pwd_col = password,
sodium_hashed = FALSE,
log_out = reactive(logout_init()))
# logout status managed by shinyauthr module and stored here
logout_init <- callModule(shinyauthr::logout, "logout", reactive(credentials()$user_auth))
output$sidebar <- renderMenu({
menuItem("Tab", tabName = "tab", icon = icon("arrows-alt-v"))
output$tab1_ui <- renderUI({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I wish to create a reactive function that will render this new_dataset and pass it to the table output within the UI. The question is how to access user login credentials as characters strings to use in filtering?
As often happens in these cases, a lot of wrangling finally led to an answer but I will post my solution here in case anyone runs into a similar issue.
R2Evans was correct in that it can be called with credentials()$info. The issue was trying to use eventReactive, rather than simply reactive.
Reactive user details are collected via:
credentials <- callModule(shinyauthr::login, "login",
data = user_base,
user_col = user,
pwd_col = password,
sodium_hashed = FALSE,
log_out = reactive(logout_init()))
user_info <- reactive({credentials()$info})
filteredData <- reactive({
filter(table, column %like% as.character(user_info()$user))
output$table <- renderTable(filteredData())