I have a Data object with 20 bytes that I'm getting from a BLE device.
This is an example when I po
the data in the CBCharacteristic
▿ 20 bytes
- count : 20
▿ pointer : 0x0000000282889ab0
- pointerValue : 10779925168
▿ bytes : 20 elements
- 0 : 16
- 1 : 0
- 2 : 0
- 3 : 21
- 4 : 0
- 5 : 0
- 6 : 20
- 7 : 3
- 8 : 87
- 9 : 154
- 10 : 3
- 11 : 88
- 12 : 204
- 13 : 20
- 14 : 255
- 15 : 197
- 16 : 7
- 17 : 159
- 18 : 56
- 19 : 122
Now I have instructions that tell me that on Byte 1,2,3 there is the signal that I'm looking for as 19 bits (0-524288)
So how can I get that signal value?
I would appreciate reading material on how to get this on my own if necessary. I don't have a proper CS background and I'm lost on how/where to even look for this.
Thank you
EDIT (in response to @Sweeper):
These are instructions for Byte 0
General state / configuration. Contains following bits:
7 (highest) – Error state, reads 0 normally and 1 if any error in hardware side
6 – button pressed (’1’ – button is pressed, ’0’ – button is not pressed)
5 – USB connected (’1’ – USB is connected, ’0’ – USB is not connected)
4 – Charging/charged (’1’ – Charging, ’0’ – not charging)
3 – Gain of channel A. 2 gains (0 is slower, 1 is higher)
2 – Gain of channel B. 2 gains (0 is slower, 1 is higher)
1 – Gain of channel C. 2 gains (0 is slower, 1 is higher)
0 – Gain of channel D. 2 gains (0 is slower, 1 is higher)
And by doing this I can get the expected data for the first byte:
guard let data = characteristic.value else { return }
guard data.count == 20 else { return }
let val = [UInt8](data)
let general:UInt8 = val[0]
let error = general >> 7 & 1
let buttonPressed = general >> 6 & 1
let usbConnected = general >> 5 & 1
let charging = general >> 4 & 1
let gainChannelA = general >> 3 & 1
let gainChannelB = general >> 2 & 1
let gainChannelC = general >> 1 & 1
let gainChannelD = general >> 0 & 1
Does this help in knowing the endianness of the protocol?
Since the data comes from multiple bytes, the answer depends on the endianness implied by the protocol. These 19 bits use two full bytes and three bits in a third byte.
If these three bytes are stored in unsigned 8-bit variables a
, b
, and c
, the value would be either
Int(a) << 11 + Int(b) << 3 + Int(c) & 0x07
Int(c) << 11 + Int(b) << 3 + Int(a) & 0x07
values for a
and c
would come either from bytes 1, 2, and 3 or bytes 3, 2, 1, depending on the order specified in the protocol.
Note: Expression x & 0x07
means "three lower bits", because 0x07
hex is 00000111
in binary.