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GPy and GPflow mathematical background - references

Does GPy and GPflow share a common mathematical background? I'm asking this because I'm using GPy but I cannot see the references. However, GPflow provides references in its examples.

Is it Ok using keep using GPy or would you suggest the use GPflow inmediately for gaussian processes purposes?


  • GPy and GPflow definitely share a common mathematical background: Gaussian processes Rasmussen and Williams, and many of the concepts are very similar in both frameworks: kernels, likelihoods, mean-functions, inducing points, etc. For me, the biggest difference between GPy and GPflow is the computational backend: AFAIK GPy uses plain Python and numpy to perform all its computations, whereas GPflow relies on TensorFlow. This gives GPflow multiple nice features for free: GPU acceleration, automatic gradients, compatibility with TF eco-system, etc. Depending on your use-case, these features can be crucial or simply nice-to-have.

    Here is more information on the technical details between the two frameworks: