in the current notebook tutorials (gpflow 2.0), all @tf.function tags include the option autograph=False, e.g. (
def optimization_step(optimizer, model: gpflow.models.SVGP, batch):
with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape:
objective = - model.elbo(*batch)
grads = tape.gradient(objective, model.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
return objective
Does anyone know why that is the case, or what the reasoning behind this is?
As far as I understood, autograph=True
simply allows for python control flow to be translated to a graph structure. Does setting/leaving it to true, even if the functionality is not required, have any drawbacks?
My guess would have been that its just a small overhead at compile time of the graph, but should be negligible. Is that wrong?
The reason we set autograph
to False
in most of the tf.function
wrapped objectives is because GPflow makes use a multi-dispatch Dispatcher which internally uses generators. TensorFlow, however, can not deal with generator objects in autograph mode (see Capabilities and Limitations of AutoGraph), which leads to these warning:
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method Dispatcher.dispatch_iter of <dispatched sample_conditional>> appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted by AutoGraph.
WARNING: Entity <bound method Dispatcher.dispatch_iter of <dispatched sample_conditional>> appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted by AutoGraph.
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method Dispatcher.dispatch_iter of <dispatched conditional>> appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted by AutoGraph.
WARNING: Entity <bound method Dispatcher.dispatch_iter of <dispatched conditional>> appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted by AutoGraph.
We've know about this issue for a while but haven't got around to actually fixing it - thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I've just created a PR which fixes this issue and does not require you to set autograph to False anymore. I expect this PR to be merged fairly soon.