I have this udhcpc
service in my system:
Description=uDHCP Client Service
ExecStart=/sbin/udhcpc -p /var/run/udhcpc.brg0.pid -i brg0 -R -b
ExecStop=/bin/sh -c 'test -f /var/run/udhcpc.brg0.pid && kill $(cat /var/run/udhcpc.brg0.pid)'
It's been working well, except systemd-analyze
is showing that it is adding about 7 seconds to the boot time:
7.388s udhcpc.service
4.946s dev-mmcblk1p2.device
1.303s uim-sysfs.service
959ms dev-mmcblk1p4.device
752ms dev-mmcblk1p3.device
739ms dev-mmcblk1p1.device
718ms systemd-hwdb-update.service
And here is the output of systemd-analyze critical-chain
multi-user.target @15.164s
[[0;1;31mudhcpc.service @7.773s +7.388s[[0m
network.target @7.551s
[[0;1;31msystemd-networkd.service @6.724s +668ms[[0m
[[0;1;31msystemd-udevd.service @1.854s +87ms[[0m
[[0;1;31msystemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service @1.662s +70ms[[0m
[[0;1;31msystemd-sysusers.service @1.353s +229ms[[0m
[[0;1;31msystemd-remount-fs.service @1.044s +238ms[[0m
systemd-journald.socket @911ms
-.slice @281ms
I suppose the right way to fix this is to avoid using udhcpc
and stick to the mechanism built into systemd
, but unfortunately that's not my call. I'd like to at least optimize the boot time though. What are some things I can do?
The "problem" is systemd-networkd
, which stops the boot until the network is configured -- and this is what you want to replace, not systemd-resolved
Network autoconfiguration cannot be made any faster, because, when properly implemented, DHCP needs to check that the address isn't already in use, which involves sending a bunch of ARP packets and waiting for the timeout.
Since you insert your service between "network is configured" and "multi-user boot is complete" targets, you introduce a dependency where there was none before.
Network configuration is normally asynchronous, because any service that fails when the network is unconfigured at start would also fail when the network goes down later.