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Tied root for Alpha Beta Pruning Algorithm

I am having trouble understanding why the alpha-beta pruning algorithm should not prune C here?

Here is my terminal output:

eval A
min 2 min1 -9223372036854775807 10.0
eval B
min 2 min2 10.0 10.0
*** FAIL: test_cases/q3/6-tied-root.test
***     Incorrect generated nodes for depth=3
***         Student generated nodes: A B max min1 min2
***         Correct generated nodes: A B C max min1 min2
***     Tree:
***         max
***        /   \
***     min1    min2
***      |      /  \
***      A      B   C
***     10     10   0

My understanding was that once B is evaluated, min2 will see that max will not pick anything lower than 10, therefore, even if a smaller value is found (x<=10) it would not make a difference. In this case, min2 would only be incentivized to look at C if B was greater than 10.

Thanks in advance


  • My understanding was that once B is evaluated, min2 will see that max will not pick anything lower than 10, therefore, even if a smaller value is found (x<=10) it would not make a difference.

    It's correct and can be verified with an online simulator (e.g. or


    min2 would only be incentivized to look at C if B was greater than 10.

    Equally correct:


    min2 must check C also if A is less than 10.

    Could it be a wrong test case?