I'm developing a VBA code that is responsible for searching in a excel file the value of a cell (serial number) and its production start date. After that, its searches on a Access databse for that same serial number and writes on the especified column the date. The problem is that it's taking hours to end, because the excel and the database have more than 10000 rows... The question is: there is a way that I can improve my code to run faster?
Private Sub Comando9_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ConsultaNSerie", dbOpenDynaset)
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'appExcel.Visible = True
appExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open "K:\EM HP - Comum\Planejamento de
Produção HP\CB\Planejamento de Produção_CB_FY19-20\Planejamento de
Dim Inicio_planejado As Variant
Dim Numero_serie As String
Dim SAP As String
i = 9
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Fileout As Object
Set Fileout = fso.CreateTextFile("K:\EM HP - Engenharia\02-Aplicação\11-
Controle de Projetos\Nserie_NoMatch.txt", True, True)
SAP = appExcel.Sheets("Disjuntores").Columns("I").Rows(i).Value
Numero_serie = appExcel.Sheets("Disjuntores").Columns("L").Rows(i).Value
'MsgBox (Numero_serie)
Inicio_planejado =
If Inicio_planejado <> "" Then
'MsgBox (Inicio_planejado)
'quando for vazio, desconsiderar a celula
'ThisWorkbook.Reg.FindFirst "[OF] = '" + cb_OF.Value + " '"
db.FindNext "[NUMERO_SERIE] = '" + Numero_serie + " '"
If db.NoMatch Then
db.FindPrevious "[NUMERO_SERIE] = '" + Numero_serie + " '"
ElseIf db.NoMatch Then
Fileout.Write Numero_serie & " "
'MsgBox ("Número de série " + Numero_serie + " não encontrado")
'Adicionar o valor de "Inicio_planejado" aos campos na coluna
db![INICIO_FBR] = Inicio_planejado
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until appExcel.Sheets("Disjuntores").cells(i, 7) = ""
End Sub
1) Don't use db.FindNext
and db.FindPrevious
with the same search criterium. That makes no sense for your situation.
Use only FindFirst
, and get rid of the db.MoveNext
db.FindFirst "[NUMERO_SERIE] = '" + Numero_serie + " '"
If db.NoMatch Then
Fileout.Write Numero_serie & " "
db![INICIO_FBR] = Inicio_planejado
' Remove this, is is of no use:
'--- db.MoveNext
End If
2) In Access, edit the table ConsultaNSerie
and add an index on NUMERO_SERIE