I'm working on new optimizer that inherits from GraphTransformer in c++
How can I view the changes that I made, just after ApplyImpl ends I tried graph.ToGraphProto() but I cannot save it And I need to make a new Model to be able to save it and view it in Netron or something
Found it Need to make new model and versions need to get SchemaRegistry:
ModelProto model_proto1;
OperatorSetIdProto* op_set_id = model_proto1.add_opset_import();
model_proto1.set_allocated_graph(new GraphProto(graph.ToGraphProto()));
IOnnxRuntimeOpSchemaRegistryList local_registries{graph.GetSchemaRegistry()};
Model model(model_proto1, &local_registries, logger);
onnxruntime::Model::Save(model, "/tmp/new_g.onnx");