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Cannot find control with name, first time opening mat dialog

I am getting this error

main.d6f3e40c71733c3e7aa5.js:1 ERROR Error: Cannot find control with name: 'email'

Only on chrome. The form is inside an angular material dialog. I use an injected global service to initialize the form, so before I click the button that opens the modal, the form inside the service is already initialized and if I console.log it I can see the control there.

When I open the mat dialog it is using the service to get the fields as follows:

            <div [formGroup]="loginService.loginForm" class="registration-type-form-container login-form">
                    *ngIf="loginService.loginForm.invalid && (loginService.loginForm.dirty || loginService.loginForm.touched) && loginService.loginForm.errors && loginService.loginForm.errors.incorrect"
                <div class="form-container" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center stretch" fxLayoutGap="5px">
                    <div class="e-mail form-input-container" fxFlex="">
                        <input [placeholder]="'' | translate" autocomplete="off"
                               class="email-address form-input" formControlName="email"
                               id="email" required="required">
                        <div *ngIf="email.invalid && (email.dirty || email.touched)" class="requirements"
                            <div *ngIf="email.errors.required">
                                {{'' | translate}}
                            <div *ngIf="">
                                {{'' | translate}}

The input

    <input [placeholder]="'' | translate" autocomplete="off"
                               class="email-address form-input" formControlName="email"

is the one throwing the error.

If I close the dialog and reopen it, it does not throw the error again. It only happens the first time. And as I said it only happens in chrome. I tested in firefox and it works fine. id="email" required="required">


  • Seems to be related to chrome version 80.

    Look here for fixes:

    Or follow Add FormControl accroding to the data returned from backend but got two different error in Angular app