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Change the label notation styles in cut functions?

I'm using the set of ggplot2 functions for creating some binned data in R. The notation style is "(a,b]". I know that's possible to use pre-specified labels. But I like the idea of using the returned numeric labels provided in the default. However, I'd like to change the notation style to something like "a - b". Is this possible?


  • You can rename the levels from cut automatically using regex

    x = runif(100, 0,100)
    y = cut(x, breaks = (0:10)*10)
    # [1] "(0,10]"   "(10,20]"  "(20,30]"  "(30,40]"  "(40,50]"  "(50,60]"  "(60,70]"  "(70,80]" 
    # [9] "(80,90]"  "(90,100]"
    levels(y) = sub(".(.+),(.+).", "\\1-\\2"  , levels(y))
    # [1] "0-10"   "10-20"  "20-30"  "30-40"  "40-50"  "50-60"  "60-70"  "70-80"  "80-90"  "90-100"