Can I curl a website that supports HTTP/3, with curl, using HTTP/3 instead of HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0. Is this possible? If so, how to do this?
Yes it is indeed possible to get going but you need tweaks and manual hands-on to make it work:
Make sure your PHP uses a libcurl built to support HTTP/3
Provide the necessary HTTP3 symbol for your PHP program, perhaps like the example below (as CURL/PHP itself doesn't know about HTTP/3 yet)
Make sure that the QUIC/h3 libraries you build curl to use support the same HTTP/3 draft version as the test server you intend to try out
HTTP/3 and QUIC are not done yet, expect rough edges and glitches. Enable verbose and keep attention to details
Happy http3ing!
if (!defined('CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3')) {
define('CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3', 30);
$ch = curl_init("");