I am trying to apply join
(or something similar) to a Vec<char>
in order to pretty print it.
What I came up with so far is this (and this does what I want):
let vec: Vec<char> = "abcdef".chars().collect();
let sep = "-";
let vec_str: String = vec
.iter().map(|c| c.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(sep);
println!("{}", vec_str); // a-b-c-d-e-f
That seems overly complex (and allocates a Vec<String>
that is not really needed).
I also tried to get std::slice::join
to work by explicitly creating a slice:
let vec_str: String = (&vec[..]).join('-');
but here the compiler complains:
method not found in
Is there a simpler way to create a printable String
from a Vec<char>
with a separator between the elements?
You can use intersperse
from the itertools crate.
use itertools::Itertools; // 0.8.2
fn main() {
let vec : Vec<_> = "abcdef".chars().collect();
let sep = '-';
let sep_str : String = vec.iter().intersperse(&sep).collect();
println!("{}", sep_str);