Trying to replicate this repository: I get the following error when I run the file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in <module>
data = DataSet()
File "D:\Clones\UCF-101_video_classification-master\", line 32, in __init__
self.classes = self.get_classes()
File "D:\Clones\UCF-101_video_classification-master\", line 64, in get_classes
if item[1] not in classes:
IndexError: list index out of range
part of the code referenced is as follows:
def get_data():
"""Load our data from file."""
with open('./data/data_file.csv', 'r') as fin:
reader = csv.reader(fin)
data = list(reader)
def clean_data(self):
"""Limit samples to greater than the sequence length and fewer
than N frames. Also limit it to classes we want to use."""
data_clean = []
for item in
if int(item[3]) >= self.seq_length and int(item[3]) <= self.max_frames \
and item[1] in self.classes:
return data_clean
def get_classes(self):
"""Extract the classes from our data. If we want to limit them,
only return the classes we need."""
classes = []
for item in
if item[1] not in classes:
# Sort them.
classes = sorted(classes)
# Return.
if self.class_limit is not None:
return classes[:self.class_limit]
return classes
I have updated the question to give clarity on data
When I do print (
I get something like this:
['train', 'UnevenBars', 'v_UnevenBars_g22_c04', '126'], []
for each image in the dataset.
Can anyone please show me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
Window 10
Python 3.7.6
You have a blank line in the CSV file, which is resulting in an empty list at the end of
You should skip empty items.
for item in
if len(item) < 2:
if item[1] not in classes: