I am trying to use HTTPCLOB function to issue a POST request to a web service, but when I run the program I get the error as in the title, no matter my efforts to match the fields' type of my SQL statement to those of the function. Here D-specifications:
D url s 1024a varying
D httpHeader s 1024a varying inz
D requestMsg s 32000a varying inz
D resHttpHeader s 32000a varying inz
D resMsg s 32000a varying inz
This is the SQL statement:
url = 'https://labelservice.gls-italy.com/AddParcel';
requestMsg = 'XMLInfoParcel: ' + xmlData;
httpHeader = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;'
+ ' Content-Length: ' + %char(%len(requestMsg))
exec sql
select cast(responseMsg as clob(2G))
// , cast(responseHttpHeader as varchar(512))
into :resMsg
// , :resHttpHeader
from table(systoools.HTTPCLOB(
URL => cast(:url
as varchar(2048)),
HTTPHEADER => cast(:httpHeader
as clob(10K)),
REQUESTMSG => cast(:requestMsg
as clob(2G))
) as httpRequest
where xmlData is an xml-variabile with some content in it. I assume there might be other errors because this is my first try using this function. Anyway, as for the IBM documentation here https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ssw_ibm_i_73/rzajq/rzajqudfhttpclob.htm variables' types match. What am I doing wrong?
So, the first error was a typo, then when the function is used as a table in the from clause the verbose version should be used instead.