The model has attribute status
status = fields.Selection([
('Progreso', 'En progreso'),
('Completa', 'Completa'),
('Anulada', 'Anulada'),
('En espera', 'En espera')
], 'Estado')
The view
<div class="card-text">
<field name="status" />
I would like each status have a particular font-color:
Progreso: Blue
You can try this but you are limited to list of color.
<field name = 'status' widget="selection" decoration-danger="status=='Progreso'" decoration-info="status=='Completa'" decoration-muted="status=='Anulada'" decoration-success="status=='En espera'"/>
decoration-bf - BOLD
decoration-it - ITALICS
decoration-danger - LIGHT RED
decoration-info - LIGHT BLUE
decoration-muted - LIGHT GRAY
decoration-primary - LIGHT PURPLE
decoration-success - LIGHT GREEN
decoration-warning - LIGHT BROWN
You can try this too...
<field name = 'status' widget="selection" t-att-style="'color: #f00;' if status == 'Progreso' else ('color: #00f;' if status ==
'Completa' else 'color: #696969;')" />