I am drawing graphs using seaborn on python and want to label x axis and y axis.
When I draw only one graph such as barplot, rugplot, histogram, etc, I could just use:
pyplot.xlabel('x') pyplot.ylabel('y')
But for graphs like jointplot, pairplot, heatmap, and catplot, outcome is different from what I expected.
Jointplot draws scatterplot inside and histogram outside. So when I use pyplot.xlabel('x') pyplot.ylabel('y')
, labels are drawn on axes of histogram.
This code draws 4 catplot and using xlabel, ylabel
only labels the bottom catplot.
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
sns.catplot(x="sex", y="total_bill", hue="smoker",row="day",
kind="violin", data=tips, split=True)
pyplot.suptitle("tip - catplot", y=1.01)
How can I label the axes of the entire figure? or each of the graphs?
You can grab each axes object by first assigning the return of catplot
to a variable. The axes are obtained using the axes
attribute. Then set labels for these axes:
g = sns.catplot(x="sex", y="total_bill", hue="smoker",row="day",
kind="violin", data=tips, split=True)
for ax, lbl in zip(g.axes.flatten(), 'abcd'):
ax.set_xlabel(f'x axis {lbl}')