I have a project with 2 schemes, one for development and other for production. I am also using firebase, hence I created 2 projects and injected two google plists under different names in the project. I also need to access google cloud platform. I cannot change/modify cloud functions without affecting my production application. Is there a way where I can have two Firestore for single project so that editing/ changing functions in on won't affect other?
Edit: it's now possible to add multiple Firestore instances to a project. See the documentation and blog for full details:
It's not possible to have multiple Firestore instances per project.
It's not entirely clear to me what the problem is with your use of Cloud Functions, but the functions running in each projects should automatically use the Firestore instance for the project that they've been deployed to. If you need to access a different Firestore instance, then you will need to deploy some configuration for your functions so they can initialize an instance of the Cloud SDK that you're using to read and write Firestore