In Win7, I have an application VB6 that references C:\Windows\SystemWOW64\FM20.dll
. This dll is put into SysWOW64
by Office 2010 32 bit. This is a COM dll.
After upgrade to Win10, my application show message error that it can't find FM20.
In Win10, the dll is already registrered because I can find the class in regedit
They have almost same registry but there area light difference
Anyone has an idea how to make the application work please ? We don't want to move FM20.dll to WOW64 and regsvr32 it for some reason
If the path is stored under the key Win64, my guess is that it is a 64-bit component. If that is correct, then there is no way that you will be able to load it using VB6, which a 32-bit application.
Do you have a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of Microsoft office?
Actually, I am not familiar with 64-bit COM, but I am certain that the key must be Win32 for a 32-bit component.