I have an effects function where I'm trying to pass data from my dispatched action as well as a separate selector to a function in a service, but I'm getting lost in the RXJS syntax. I'm pretty sure I'm not mapping the data correctly. Please see the relevant code.
// effects
updateCohort$ = createEffect(() =>
map(([action, selector ]) => (
this.cohortFeaturesServices.updateCohorts(action, selector)
// service
public updateCohorts(action, selector): Observable<any> {
const url = `api/services/cohorts/frontend/`;
return this.http.patch(`${url}/${selector.id}/`, action.changes);
Visual Studio Code underlines the entire function and I get the following error in my console.
Type 'Observable>' is not assignable to type 'Observable'. Property 'type' is missing in type 'Observable' but required in type 'Action'.
How can I fix my effect and successfully pass my action and my selector to my service call?
For anyone else they may come across the same issue I figured it out. I wasn't returning an action.
updateCohort$ = createEffect(() =>
exhaustMap(([action, cohort]) => this.cohortFeaturesServices.updateCohorts(action, cohort).pipe(
map((response) => ({
type: getCohortActions.updateActiveCohortSuccess.type, // success action
success: response
catchError((err) => of(getCohortActions.updateActiveCohortError(err))) // error action