In my Jekyll site, I have a page that stores an array of data in front matter, like this:
layout: page
title: MyTitle
- key1: value1
- key2: value2
What I want to do in my template: given a keyX, obtain valueX from the array.
I figured out a way to access the array:
{% assign subpage = site.pages | where: 'title', 'MyTitle' %}
{% assign array = subpage[0].array %}
Now the query that I need to write is: "from the array, extract the value that matches keyX".
Is there a way to search through the array, without the need for looping? All the examples I can find are based on one-dimensional arrays...
Your array is an array of non standardized objects (they don't have the same keys).
{{ page.array | inspect }}
[{"key1"=>"value1"}, {"key2"=>"value2"}]
Here the only way to search is to loop over all array's items.
If you refactor your array to become an object, you can then get value from a key.
key1: value1
key2: value2
Example :
{% assign searched = "key1" %}
{{ page.object[searched] }}