I would like to use to more than one generator in a Catch2
test case. My problem is, that when there are more than two generators, they are "combined". So if I write something like this:
TEST_CASE("Test legal moves on empty 2x1 board") {
Board board(2, 1);
auto startPos = GENERATE(Position(0, 0), Position(1, 0));
auto expectedMoves = GENERATE(Position(1, 0), Position(0, 0));
auto legalMoves = board.getLegalMoves(startPos);
REQUIRE(legalMoves[0] == expectedMoves);
This will result in four test cases:
(startPos[0] vs expectedMoves[0]
, startPos[0] vs expectedMoves[1]
, startPos[1] vs expectedMoves[0]
, startPos[1] vs startPos[1]
I however want only two: (startPos[0] vs expectedMoves[0]
, startPos[1] vs startPos[1]
Is there a way to do it in an elegant and readable way? I would like to avoid things like this:
TEST_CASE("Test legal moves on empty 2x1 board") {
Board board(2, 1);
auto dump = GENERATE(vector<Position>{ Position(0, 0), Position(1, 0) },
vector<Position>{ Position(1, 0), Position(0, 0) });
auto expectedMoves = dump[1];
auto legalMoves = board.getLegalMoves(dump[0]);
REQUIRE(legalMoves[0] == expectedMoves);
As maintenance of such monstrosity is cumbersome.
EDIT: I do not really like this solution: https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/ce42deb72fab2be85a862f559984580c24cb76c4/projects/SelfTest/UsageTests/Generators.tests.cpp#L199
Instead of using multiple generators you should wrap your input/output test data in some structure that will define both startPos
and expectedMove
. Then you can use single generator to produce data sets. Your data will be named, so you don't have to reference to it by index. Your TEST_CASE
could look like this:
struct TestData
Position startPos;
Position expectedMove;
TEST_CASE("Test legal moves on empty 2x1 board")
Board board {2, 1};
auto testData = GENERATE(TestData {{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, TestData {{1, 0}, {0, 0}});
auto lagalMoves = board.getLegalMoves(testData.startPos);
REQUIRE(lagalMoves[0] == testData.expectedMove);