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Kalman Filter - Fusion of two equal sensors

I'm interested in implementing a Kalman Filter in Python. First, I have programmed a very simple version of a K-Filter - only one state (Position in Y-Direction). My State transition Matrix looks like:

X <- X + v * t 

with v and t are constants.

I simulate the measurement with a simple linear function

y = mx + b

and add noise to it:

y1 = np.random.normal(y, sigma, Nsamples).

It works pretty well, I can redefine R and Q to change the measurement and process noise value (Until now, it isn't a matrix).

Now I have an idea...

What happens if I would have a second measurement?

    y2 = np.random.normal(y, sigma2, Nsamples)

How could I handle it? Shall I prefilter measurement like :

(y1 + y2) / 2

or is there a more suitable method/solution which involves the kalman filter?


  • There are numerous ways to handle fusion of multiple sensor measurements using Kalman Filter. A way to do it would be sequentially updating the Kalman Filter with new measurements.

    See the slides by sensor fusion pioneer Hugh Durrant-Whyte found in this answer for quite a few ways how to fuse sensor data.