I am trying to loop over array values in a karate feature file. In a Feature1.feature - Scenario1, I have some values in the array ["UUID1","UUID2","UUID3"] and I want to call another feature file (Feature2.feature) (having a code to call a DELETE endpoint) of a service
Feature: Delete
* url baseUrl
* headers {content-type:'application/json'}
Scenario: Delete Test Assets
Given headers {uid: '#(UId)', cid:'#(CId)'}
And path 'type', Type, 'id', AssetId
When method delete
Then status 204
What approach should I use to Feature1.feature to call the Feature2.feature in a loop?
If you have an array of primitives, you need to convert it into an array of JSON objects before doing a "loop call". Refer to the docs for karate.mapWithKey()
: https://github.com/intuit/karate#json-transforms
So do this:
* def data = ["UUID1","UUID2","UUID3"]
* def data = karate.mapWithKey(data, 'uid')
* call read('second.feature') data
And in second.feature
* headers { uid: '#(uid)' }
Of course, read the docs for call
if needed: https://github.com/intuit/karate#data-driven-features