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Passing today's date in Gatling Body using session.set but no success

I am trying to pass today's date in Gatling Body using session.set but no success

I have below code where using joda-time( timestampfeeder variable is set

class gamekeeper extends BaseSimulation {
  val  timestampFeeder: String = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd").print(

  exec { session => session.set( "TimestampFeeder", timestampFeeder )}

  val createPrivateEvent ={
      http("Create Event As WER")
      .post("" + {Env} + "/silve-griffin-service/graphql")
    .exec { session => session.set("NEW_ID", session("EventId").as[String]) }

 val scenario4 = scenario("Full GameKeeper tests“)


      constantConcurrentUsers(userCount) during(testDuration))


Here are the contents of createeventasWERwithcurrentdatetime.txt

      "query": "mutation createEvent($input: CreateEventInput!) {\n createEvent(input: $input) {\n ...EventFields\n __typename\n }\n}\n\nfragment EventFields on Event {\n id\n status\n title\n format\n limitedSet\n rulesEnforcementLevel\n pairingType\n entryFee {\n amount\n currency\n __typename\n }\n venue {\n id\n name\n latitude\n longitude\n address\n timeZone\n phoneNumber\n emailAddress\n __typename\n }\n capacity\n description\n scheduledStartTime\n estimatedEndTime\n latitude\n longitude\n address\n timeZone\n phoneNumber\n emailAddress\n shortCode\n __typename\n}",
      "variables": {
        "input": {
          "organizationId": "14540",
          "latitude": 47.66499,
          "longitude": -122.38043,
          "phoneNumber": "206-523-9605",
          "emailAddress": "",
          "title": "PerfTestServicesEvent",
          "format": "DRAFT",
          "limitedSet": "CORE2020",
          "rulesEnforcementLevel": "CASUAL",
          "entryFeeAmount": 500,
          "entryFeeCurrency": "USD",
          "venueId": null,
          "capacity": 8,
          "description": "test",
          "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
          "scheduledStartTime": ${TimestampFeeder},
          "estimatedEndTime": "2020-02-15T16:00Z"

Seems No success in value substitution ,why session.set is not able to replace the value of TimestampFeeder


  • The reason that your variable setting doesn't work is that the exec to run that session function isn't chained to or called by anything else - it's just defined in the middle of the gamekeeper class.

    You also seem to be confused about feeders - unless you're using the gatling construct of this name, it's probably best to call it something else.

    You can easily get this working by having a session function that sets the date and including it at the start of the scenario.

    val scenario4 = scenario("Full GameKeeper tests“)
       .exec(session => session.set("TimestampFeeder",DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd").print( 

    I don't think you can used your existing TimestampFeeder val as it's only going to get set once at the start of the run - you'd have to make it a function if you want to structure things that way.