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Odoo: one2many field still adds record even though i raise error if zero stock on it

so the idea is when i change the product, it checks on the stock available on the current branch, if none, it raises error that there are no stock

expected behavior: an error is raised when no stock is available on selected product and the record won't be added to tree view if no stock available

current behavior: the error is raised when no stock is available on selected product yet the record still gets added to the one2many tree view

code below

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from docutils.nodes import line

from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError

class CustomTransRequest(models.Model):
    _name = 'custom.trans.request'
    _description = 'Transfer Request'
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Salesperson', default=lambda self: self.env.user)
    branch_from_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="From", required=True)
    branch_to_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="To", required=True)
    product_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name="custom.trans.line", inverse_name="request_id", string="Products",
                                  required=False, )
class CustomTransLine(models.Model):
    _name = 'custom.trans.line'
    _description = 'Transfer Request Line'

    branch_from_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="custom.branch", string="Branch", )
    request_id = fields.Many2one("custom.trans.request", string="Request ID", )
    product_id = fields.Many2one("custom.product", string="Product", required=True, )
    qty = fields.Integer(string="Qty")

    def onchange_product(self):
        if self.product_id:
            for rec in self:
                selected_lines = rec.env['custom.branch.line'].search(
                    ['&', ('product_id', '=',, ('branch_id', '=',]).mapped(
                if not selected_lines:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        _('Current branch has ZERO stock on this product, Please select an available Product'))

enter image description here


  • If you don't want record into one2many field, set product_id=False. And return validation dictionary.

    Try with following code.

    def onchange_product(self):
        if self.product_id:
            res = {}
            selected_lines = rec.env['custom.branch.line'].search(
                 ('product_id', '=',, 
                 ('branch_id', '=',]).mapped('qty')
            if not selected_lines:
                self.product_id = False
                res['warning'] = {'title': _('ValidationError'),
                                  'message': _(
                                          'Current branch has ZERO stock on this product, '
                                          'Please select an available Product')}
                return res