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How to assign values in an Angular form without an input element or hiding the UI element?

I am working on this template-driven form, where I have a dropdown.

The dropdown has an ID as value and Name as the display value.

When I submit the form, I need both the values ID and Name to be in the form output

            <mat-select [(ngModel)]="data.stateCode" name="StateCode" #yddfyty>
              <mat-option *ngFor="let state of stateOptions" [value]="state.ID">

After submitting the form, I get a JSON

  StateCode: "Option I select in the Dropdown"

When I submit the form, I also want the StateName to be in the form output.

How do I assign the StateName selected in the Dropdown, to a model property in the template-driven form?

I can think of a way where we can use an element and hide the element, Is there any other way?

Is the only way to do it in the Typescript file after submitting?


  • ViewChild comes handy in these situations:

    HTML File:

                <mat-select  name="StateCode" #ElementRef>
                  <mat-option *ngFor="let state of stateOptions" [value]="state.ID">

    Component TS File:

    first declare an viewchild variable:

    @ViewChild('ElementRef') stateElement: any;

    and later on you can use this variable when you submit the form:

         let selectedStateCode = this.stateElement.nativeElement.value//selected dropdown value
         let selectedStateText = this.stateElement.nativeElement.textContent //selected dropdown text
         //rest of your submit code;