I use Dockerfile
to create an image for our web app which requires HTTPS
. However, I am getting Certificate not imported, alias <my-cert-name> already exists
Java exception. When I tried without using Dockerfile
, just from command line, I was able to delete the existing alias and export
, import
worked. But not with Dockerfile
. Any ideas? Thanks!
FROM openjdk:8-alpine
#Starting https and certs configuration
#Make directory for certs inside the container
RUN mkdir -p usr/app/ssl/certs/
#Copy certs from local to the container
COPY myWebApp/src/main/resources/PT/certificates/my-cert-name.jks usr/app/ssl/certs/
COPY myWebApp/src/main/resources/PT/certificates/trustStore.jks usr/app/ssl/certs/
#Export/Import certificate
RUN cd usr/app/ssl/certs/ && \
keytool -delete -alias my-cert-name -keystore my-cert-name.jks -storepass password123! && \
keytool -export -alias my-cert-name -keystore my-cert-name.jks -file my-cert-name.crt -storepass password123! && \
keytool -importcert -keystore trustStore.jks -alias my-cert-name -storepass password123! -file my-cert-name.crt -noprompt
#Ending https and certs configuration
RUN mkdir -p /usr/app/myweb
COPY myWebApp/target/myWeb.war /usr/app/myweb
CMD java -Xms512M -Xmx6144M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=3072M -jar /usr/app/myweb/myWeb.war
Docker build command
>docker build -it test-https-image .
Using Docker desktop on windows 10.
Thanks in advance!
I prefer the notation:
RUN cd usr/app/ssl/certs/ && \
keytool -delete -alias my-cert-name -keystore my-cert-name.jks -storepass password123! && \
keytool -export -alias my-cert-name -keystore my-cert-namet.jks \
-file my-cert-name.crt -storepass password123! && \
keytool -importcert -keystore trustStore.jks -alias my-cert-name -storepass password123! \
-file my-cert-name.crt -noprompt
It is easier to double-check you are importing the same name you have deleted.
(since -delete
is a good way to force update an existing certificate)
But the gist is:
, while you import in trustStore.jks
. trustStore.jks
already has a certificate for that nameIf that certificate was already in the copied keystore, I would not export/re-import it. (I only imported it in my previous answer)
Make sure the "usr/app/ssl/certs
" is the right path: I would rather use an absolute path, rather than a relative path.
The OP fongfong confirms in the comments:
I should delete the existing alias from
, notmy-cert-name.jks