I'm trying pretty hard to recreate something like the Wallet view, but cannot really figure it out. I've hard-coded offsets into my ZStack, but of course I want to avoid that too. It seems like the offsets are keeping the taps from registering at all. Here is my code so far, tapping a card should change its title's colour between white and yellow.
Eventually, of course, I want to add animations to the stack of cards and be able to "pull" one from it place to make it the primary view. But I have to figure out how to catch the taps first...
I used this video as a base, but it doesn't really go as far as I'd like:
import SwiftUI
struct BetterCards: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView (.vertical) {
ZStack {
CardView(title: "adidas", color: .blue, offset: 0.0)
CardView(title: "Le Crueset", color: .pink, offset: 90.0)
CardView(title: " Card", color: .black, offset: 180.0)
CardView(title: "Sandusk", color: .orange, offset: 270.0)
struct CardView: View {
@State var isYellow: Bool = false
let title: String
let color: Color
let offset: CGFloat
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 320, height: 210)
VStack {
.foregroundColor(isYellow ? .yellow : .white)
}.shadow(radius: 2.0)
.offset(x: 0, y: offset)
}.onTapGesture {
print("Tapped: \(self.title)")
struct BetterCards_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Thank you both, Natalia and Mac3n
It got me thinking and I've ended up using a VStack
Happy to hear any comments. I'm not sure it's the best approach.
I've done away with the offsets and used two frames in the card view - one for the rectangle and one for the ZStack. I'm still trying to figure out the math for the .frame on the VStack however. It seems to be a multiple of the number of cards + the real height of a card, plus some variable I can't pin down.
import SwiftUI
struct BetterCards: View {
let multiplier:CGFloat = 6
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
CardView(title: " Card", color: .black)
CardView(title: "adidas", color: .blue)
CardView(title: "Puma", color: .green)
CardView(title: "Le Crueset", color: .yellow)
// CardView(title: "adidas", color: .blue)
// CardView(title: "OnlyLyon", color: .green)
// CardView(title: "Le Crueset", color: .yellow)
CardView(title: "adidas", color: .blue)
CardView(title: "Sandusk", color: .orange)
// CardView(title: "Le Crueset", color: .pink)
.frame(width: 400, height: multiplier * 60 + (430 - ( 52 )))
struct CardView: View {
@State var isYellow: Bool = false
let title: String
let color: Color
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 370, height: 430)
VStack {
.foregroundColor(isYellow ? .yellow : .white)
.frame(width: 370, height: 60)
.onTapGesture {
print("Tapped: \(self.title)")
.shadow(radius: 2.0)
struct BetterCards_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {