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apply ngclass in mat-cell getting error angular 8

I am trying to use ngclass for my condition to apply css for the below html code but it was showing error.

I want to use two class that is colorRed & colorOrange

Here is my Two class (CSS)

        color: orange;

Here is condition

  1. If percentage is >=5% and <10%, show orange color
  2. If percentage is >=10% need to show red color

Here is my html

    <ng-container matColumnDef="salaryIncrease">
     <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> </th>
     <td mat-cell [ngClass]="{'colorRed': element.salaryIncrease>= 5% }" *matCellDef="let element" > {{element.salaryIncreas| currency:'':''}}


  • You are getting template parse error because you are using % symbol during comparison and % symbol can't be used for comparing. Just compare values of percentage.

    Also in standard scenario only value is stored for percentage values. % symbol is added only where needed

    Working example for you