I've seen that CVXOPT supports GLPK and one can do:
from cvxopt.glpk import ilp
However, I cannot find the documentation for the glpk
module in cvxopt's documentation. I am trying to solve an integer program and I want to understand the ilp
solves ilp by using GLPK.
Consider the following LP:
Min -3x1 -x2
x1 + x2 <= 10
- x2 <= -4.5
This becomes (assuming first x1,x2
fractional, and then integers).
>>> c = matrix(np.array([-3,-1],dtype=float))
>>> h = matrix(np.array([10,-4.5],dtype=float))
>>> G = matrix(np.array([[1,1],[0,-1]],dtype=float))
>>> (status,x) = ilp(c=c,G=G,h=h)
>>> print(x)
[ 5.50e+00]
[ 4.50e+00]
>>> (status,x) = ilp(c=c,G=G,h=h,I=set(range(2)))
>>> print(x)
[ 5.00e+00]
[ 5.00e+00]
For additional information you can refer to the documentation
>>> help(ilp)
Solves the mixed integer linear programming problem
minimize c'*x
subject to G*x <= h
A*x = b
x[k] is integer for k in I
x[k] is binary for k in B
c nx1 dense 'd' matrix with n>=1
G mxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with m>=1
h mx1 dense 'd' matrix
A pxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with p>=0
b px1 dense 'd' matrix
I set of indices of integer variables
B set of indices of binary variables