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Need kubectl jsonpath parameter to get array entry indexed by string

I have some scripts that pipe "kubectl ... -o json" to "jq". I've been converting many of those occurrences to use the "jsonpath" parameter to kubectl so I can skip the jq step.

There's one set of these that I've been unable to convert, because of punctuation issues. The original line looks something like this:

kubectl ... -o json | jq -r '.data[""]'

In the json, there is a "data" map whose keys can have periods in the names, so I have to index it as an array, with the name as the key. This works fine using jq.

The simple-minded conversion of this to jsonpath looks something like this:

kubectl ... -o=jsonpath="{.data[""]}"

This fails with:

error: error parsing jsonpath {.data[]}, invalid array index

This doesn't appear to be a quoting problem, as it is clearly detecting what my attempted array index is, it just won't let me use it.

Is there any way to do this entirely with jsonpath?


  • The trick is to convert




    (with quoting as required)