I would like to create a dataframe with all the text and title of ech pdf of my pdfs list. I made one for loop but when I open the resulting dataframe I see that not all the text from each pdf have been processed into text, but only the last page.
Here the code:
folder <- paste0(getwd(), "/data/pdfs/")
qc <- sample(1:length(pdf_list), size = 1, replace = F)
#Create a vector of all the files in the folder selected
file_vector <- list.files(all.files = T, path = folder, recursive = T)
#Apply a filter to the file vector of files
pdf_list <- file_vector[grepl(".pdf", file_vector)]
#make the data frame
corpus_raw <- data.frame("title" = c(),"text" = c())
#list of pdf files comprehensive of path
files <- paste0(folder,pdf_list)
#cycle for the text fetching:
for (i in 1:length(pdf_list)){
#print i so that I know the loop is working right
#take the text
text_from_pdf <- pdf_text(pdf = files[i])
temp_store_data <- data.frame("title" = gsub(pattern = "\\d\\/", replacement = "",
x = pdf_list[i], ignore.case = T),
"text" = text_from_pdf, stringsAsFactors = F)
# quality control
if (i == qc[1]){
write(temp_store_data[i,2], "data/quality_control.txt")
colnames(temp_store_data) <- c("title", "text")
corpus_raw <- rbind(corpus_raw, temp_store_data)
Can you help me with this? Thank you!
creates a vector with one string per page, not a single text string. You are only writing the ith page of your list to the qc text file.
You could try this when reading in the pdf:
text_from_pdf <- paste(pdf_text(pdf = files[i]), collapse = "\n")
This should work providing you do not have whole novels as pdfs to store.