I have resource Draft
which has the following representation:
"name": "name",
"groups": ["group1", "group2"]
I need to design endpoint which would allow to add new groups to groups
For instance, lets say client wants to modify the resource above by adding two new groups: group3 and group4, then, after this operation, the resource should look like:
"name": "name",
"groups": ["group1", "group2", "grpoup3", "group4"]
I'm not sure what should be the right URL structure and HTTP method for such operation.
Currently I'm considering the following option:
PATCH `/draft/groups/add`
'groups': ["group3", "group4"]
However, I'm not quite sure if that's the right choice.
Any help would be appreciated,
Seems like you're identifying your draft by its name, and you have several groups in each draft. If that's correct, then this would be the REST Naming Convention:
POST /drafts/{draftName}/groups/ HTTP/1.1
- to create;
PUT /drafts/{draftName}/groups/{groupId} HTTP/1.1
- to update;
GET /drafts/{draftName}/groups/{groupId} HTTP/1.1
- to get (groupId shouldn't be required in case of collection resource request).