When I am coding in vim, I use set foldmethod=syntax
which folds my code.
It looks something like this then:
How can I add the line above the {
to the fold? So that it would look something like this:
So the idea is that it (always) takes the line above the fold into the fold. How can I make this happen?
This needs a custom fold expression
(h fold-expr
) indenpendently from:
<- you want to fold one more linefoldignore
<- you still want to fold {
and }
whatever the indentIn your vimrc:
" Callback: Fold level <- next line indent
function! FoldMethod(lnum)
let l:indent = max([indent(a:lnum+1), indent(a:lnum)])
return l:indent / &shiftwidth
set foldmethod=expr
set foldexpr=FoldMethod(v:lnum)