I'm trying to code the extended Euclidean algorithm using the GMP library because I'm using large numbers. My algorithm is the basic one, just adapted for GMP numbers.
But I have a problem with my while loop. The code below is a minable reproducible example of my algorithm. I changed the content of the loop just for testing.
void euclid(mpz_t a, mpz_t b){
mpz_t r1, r2, u1, u2, v1, v2;
mpz_init_set_ui(u1, 1);
mpz_init_set_ui(v1, 0);
mpz_init_set_ui(u2, 0);
mpz_init_set_ui(v2, 1);
mpz_inits(r1, r2);
mpz_set(r1, a);
mpz_set(r2, b);
while(mpz_cmp_ui(r2, 0))
gmp_printf("r2 : %Zd\n", r2);
mpz_sub_ui(r2, r2, 1);
mpz_t q;
The loop doesn't seem to be executed.
Looking for the origin of the problem, I tried to simplify the loop and I get a problem (the loop doesn't execute anymore) whenever I add the line "mpz_init(q);". I called my function euclid with a equal to mpz_t 33 and b equal to mpz_t 5.
Problems like this ("I added a seemingly irrelevant variable/function call and the behaviour changed mysteriously") are almost always the result of Undefined Behaviour. In this case, the UB is in the line
mpz_inits(r1, r2);
which should have been
mpz_inits(r1, r2, NULL);
(See the docs). The list given to mpz_inits
must be NULL-terminated so that the function knows when to stop; otherwise it will overwrite random memory.
Valgrind is an invaluable tool for uncovering this kind of issue.