I have created a yii2 kartik select2 widget to select multiple car models like below
<?= Select2::widget([
'name' => 'drp-make',
'data' => Car::getCarMakesEnglish(),
'value' => explode(",",$model->drp_make),
'options' => [
'placeholder' => 'All Makes',
'multiple' => true
]); ?>
And the function to get data for the select2 like
public static function getCarMakesEnglish(){
foreach ($makes as $make) {
array_push($out,array($make['id'] => $make['make_eng']));
return $out;
Its working perfect.But a issue is there.please see the below picture
Its showing values too not only the names.I want to show only the make names.How to do that
Because you are pushing an array to every index of the $out
array_push($out,array($make['id'] => $make['make_eng']))
you should use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::map()
instead that do this for you. Change your function getCarMakesEnglish()
to the following
public static function getCarMakesEnglish()
$makes = CarMakes::find()->select(['id', 'make_eng'])->all();
return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::map($makes,'id','make_eng');