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Duplicating a React app folder does not work?

(This is on a Mac by the way. It seems cp -r on a Mac is "historical" and should be replaced by cp -R).

I tried the following:

mkdir TryContext
cd TryContext
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app

and then I made an app that worked, and npm start was able to start the server and run it.

But then if I want to make a version 2 of this app, and started by cloning the folder first:

cd ..
cp -r my-app my-app-02

to copy everything to my-app-02, and cd into that folder and do npm start, it will error, saying

> my-app@0.1.0 start /Users/username/code/TryContext/my-app-02
> react-scripts start

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '../scripts/start'

I tried different ways, and tried npm rebuild and then npm start, and it worked. But I thought if you copy a directory "as is", then using it, npm start should start the server without needing to do anything? Why was that and what ways besides npm rebuild could fix it?


  • TL;RD: when you copy using cp -r it doesn't really preserve symlinks, it just copies the file contents instead. So npm start can't find necessary symlink in this particular case. One of the possible solutions is to use cp -a when coping, which preserves symlinks and avoids this issue.

    Mode detailed answer is here