Search code examples

flag provided but not defined: -test.v

Unit test for the following code fails:

This is my main code:

package locprovider

import (


const (
    getCountryUrl = ""

func GetCountry(countryId string) (*location.Country, *error.ApiError) {

    response := rest.Get(fmt.Sprintf(getCountryUrl, countryId))
    if response == nil || response.Response == nil {
        return nil, &error.ApiError {
            Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Message: fmt.Sprintf("invalid restclient response when trying to get country %s", countryId),

    if response.StatusCode > 299 {
        var apiError error.ApiError
        if err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes(), &apiError); err != nil {
            return nil, &error.ApiError {
                Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
                Message: fmt.Sprintf("invalid error response when getting country %s", countryId),
        return nil, &apiError

    var result location.Country
    if err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes(), &result); err != nil {
        return nil, &error.ApiError {
            Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Message: fmt.Sprintf("error when trying to unmarshal country data for %s", countryId),

    return &result, nil

This is my unit test code:

package locprovider

import (


func TestGetCountryRestClientError(t *testing.T) {
    // Execution:
    country, err := GetCountry("AR")

    // Validation:
    assert.Nil(t, country)
    assert.NotNil(t, err)
    assert.EqualValues(t, 500, err.Status)
    assert.EqualValues(t, "invalid restclient response when trying to get country AR", err.Message)

When I execute this unit test, I run into following error and I am not sure why it is happening.

I have few other unit tests from other go package, and they work fine without this error.

GOROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.3/libexec #gosetup GOPATH=/Users/abc/go-testing #gosetup /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.3/libexec/bin/go test -c -o /private/var/folders/r0/f7kkkm9526lgfz6jtgtphyww0000gn/T/___TestGetCountryRestClientError_in_api_provider_locprovider api/provider/locprovider #gosetup /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.3/libexec/bin/go tool test2json -t /private/var/folders/r0/f7kkkm9526lgfz6jtgtphyww0000gn/T/___TestGetCountryRestClientError_in_api_provider_locprovider -test.v ^TestGetCountryRestClientError$ #gosetup flag provided but not defined: -test.v Usage of /private/var/folders/r0/f7kkkm9526lgfz6jtgtphyww0000gn/T/___TestGetCountryRestClientError_in_api_provider_locprovider: -mock Use 'mock' flag to tell package rest that you would like to use mockups. Process finished with exit code 1


  • That seems similar to golang/go issue 33869, which in turn pointed to go/issue 31859 "testing: panic in Init if flag.Parse has already been called " and this Go 1.13 instruction

    Testing flags are now registered in the new Init function, which is invoked by the generated main function for the test.
    As a result, testing flags are now only registered when running a test binary, and packages that call flag.Parse during package initialization may cause tests to fail.

    As noted by Sachin Raut in the comments:

    The problem seems to be with the external library (
    As of now (July 2020), this "golang-restclient/rest" library does not support the latest versions of Go.
    It works well with GO VERSIONS <= 1.12